Areas of Expertise
Suicide Prevention and Postvention
Suicide prevention and training
Assessment of risk (including tool creation)
Suicide clusters and contagion
State law compliance for K-12
Adaptation for school personnel to assess
Cultural and diversity factors
Advocacy for 504 plans
Student mental health access
Parent rights (related to mental health)
Understanding school systems
Grief and Trauma
Theoretical understandings of grief
Culturally informed supports for grief and trauma
Trauma related impacts
Mental Health
DSM diagnoses
Department of Mental Health documentation
Treatment planning and interventions
Culturally informed treatment
Barriers to treatment
Linkages to community resources
Self-Care for Professionals
Compassion fatigue, burnout & vicarious trauma
Realistic strategies for self-care
Caring for others as a strategy for self-care
Humanistic understanding of professional needs
Systems Integration
Intersectionality of need and support
How organizations and programs work together (or don't) to provide wraparound care
Navigation of complex systems