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Brave Journeys excels in needs assessments, attentive and innovative program development, data-based evaluations, fostering relationships and creating solutions for mental health and suicide prevention.


Every system or organization has their own culture, methods of operation, interpersonal dynamics and systemic needs. Having a one-size-fits-all structure fails to address the complex needs of each organization.  Specialized, intentional, thoughtful and solution-focused programs ensure ease of roll-out, training, staff development and buy-in, positive outcomes and improved services for all. 


Examples of programs designed by Brave Journeys LLC:

Suicide Assessment and Prevention (needs assessment, handbook development, training of staff, assessment tools and resources, documentation protocol, ongoing consultation, data capture to guide practice, anti-oppressive and anti-racist training specifically for suicide assessments


School Safety Mental Health teams (needs assessment, protocol development, marketing, integration of clinical staff with police officer units, training, ongoing consultation, data capture to guide practice and evaluate for equity and anti-racist experiences, alignment with state and federal mandates).


Mental Health Consultations (see the Reach-Back-Model-of-Care)​


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